
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Using Yoga with Young Children

Many people use yoga as a way to stay healthy, focused and relaxed. We have recently used yoga with our preschoolers and found it to be a natural way for children to help transition into the naptime routine. Through this technique, we found that it also enhanced children's learning experiences in the classroom. Some of the other benefits include: promotion of social emotional development, increased control of impulses, increased focus and attention to body placement and confidence.

Here are some examples of yoga moves that are developmentally appropriate for young children (mostly concentrating on children 2 1/2 to 5). These moves are inclusive while also allowing for independent expression and creativity.

Turtle Shell:

  1. Fold your body forward
  2. Tuck in legs, arms and chin (like a turtle)
  3. take breaths- deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth
  4. remain quietly tucked in your shell
Growing roots:

  1. raise arms out to sides, overhead, and back down
  2. inhale as arms go up and exhale as arms go down
  3. pause with arms raised
  4. repeat as needed/desired
Monkey Breaths:

  1. make fists and take deep breaths through the nose
  2. exhale and pull the right fist up toward right armpit
  3. inhale and release the hand down
  4. repeat with the left side
  5. alternate sides and quicken the pace
  6. gradually slow down movements
  7. take 3 breaths